TUTORIAL-quick Ni Knight HelmInKibus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inkibus/art/TUTORIAL-quick-Ni-Knight-Helm-102776101InKibus

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TUTORIAL-quick Ni Knight Helm



A quick Tutorial on how to make a Knight who say Ni helmet, or a generic helm for that matter!
I put and hour and evening for 3 evening into this, so it can be done in a day IF YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES.
I am a woodworker, so much of this is natural for me to do.
This is a great warm up costuming trial for those who might want to do something more complex in the future.

General text instructions

Get a bump cap, it can be th ceapest kind.
Saw of the visor.
REVERSE the helmet, the back is flatter and broader, and worked better for the helmet shape.
Wrap a sheet of fiber-glass plastic sheeting around it.
Don't make it a straight cylinder, make it meet at will be the FRONT of your helmet with a slight peak.
Stich this to the helmet or pop rivet it.
Line the inside with sturdy duct-tape.
Mark where the eye-holes will be, and keep a general idea.
NOTE- sand or tooth the helmet surface, paints will peel off otherwise.
Enforce with epoxy glues, and even epoxy one of two spots with thin plywood or poplar stips for strength.
BONDO with liberty, fill first low spot.
Make disappear the area between the sheeting and cap.

Make 2 horns out of light wood, like poplar, and do most of the shaping before attaching.
PRE-DRILL THE HOLES into the horns with the long screws so the don't cause trouble.
Embed the base in epoxy before totally screwing the horns to the helmet.
More bondo around the base, and get the whole thing seven.
Dremel or drill out a desired-shaped eye slot.

Cover with Krylon black (shows up and inferfections) them krylon grey paint. Find the 'aluminum' shiney metal paint, and use that. It's very metallic and and great effect.
Then rub over with a 'dirty' pore-filling finishers glaze for aged look.
Seal with a fixative or sealer to preserve.

As you can see, no a hundred percent screen accurate, nor very historically accurate.
But it's a great way to learn a skill and make a decent prop!

Take you time, and do it better than mine!
Don't wai until 2 days for Halloween! ;)

Other costumes by =FrockTarts and I are here
And Other Costuming and Crafting Tutorials here
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800x3000px 1.22 MB
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