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Horse: TPR Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Rider: Eden Pine
Decided that TPR needed some livestock images and a bit of 'training' for Mercury to show him around cattle and working with them. Plus, Eden showing off her roping skills is a plus. It's been a bit since I've drawn Mercury so it was about time to draw my handsome dude again.
Stock provided by fillyrox
Horse: TPR Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Rider: Eden Pine

Decided that TPR needed some livestock images and a bit of 'training' for Mercury to show him around cattle and working with them. Plus, Eden showing off her roping skills is a plus. It's been a bit since I've drawn Mercury so it was about time to draw my handsome dude again.

After the Expo, all ranch operations continued. Eden walked Mercury through the grassy fields as the fall wind ruffled Mercury's mane and Eden's auburn hair. The pastures were peacefully quiet save for the distant bawling of a few calves in search of their herd. It was roundup day and the day started early, some calves being sent to the auction and others rounded up to be tagged, branded, and vaccinated for their identification and well being. Eden was tasked with finding any stragglers in the Hereford pen and bringing them back for tagging, branding and shots.
She nudged Mercury into a lope as they headed over the hill and came across a heifer that had slipped out after tagging and branding, her bright green tag flickering in her ear as she turned to see the horse and rider approaching. Mercury's ears flickered towards the heifer, zeroing in on her as they loped towards her and Eden built a loop with her rope to take the heifer back for her shots. The heifer jumped and tried making a run for it across the pasture, only to have Mercury hot on her heels as the stallion thundered after her with his ears pinned in determination.
The lasso swung over her head with each flick of her wrist, getting faster with each rotation as they almost caught up to the heifer. Eden let the loop fly, only for it to land across the heifer's head wadded up but managed to unfold around her head and catching her as she ran forward and jumping wildly on the end of the rope as Mercury slid to a stop and started to back up to keep the rope taut. Mercury snorted as he caught his breath while Eden patted his neck with her free hand before reining him towards the barn where the other calves were. After trotting a few steps, the heifer quit resisting and started the direction towards the rest of the herd. They reached the barn and released the heifer into the catch pens with the rest to be vaccinated and dewormed. Eden looked towards the other pastures with calves waiting to be worked.
This was going to be a long day and many more calves to go.
She nudged Mercury into a lope as they headed over the hill and came across a heifer that had slipped out after tagging and branding, her bright green tag flickering in her ear as she turned to see the horse and rider approaching. Mercury's ears flickered towards the heifer, zeroing in on her as they loped towards her and Eden built a loop with her rope to take the heifer back for her shots. The heifer jumped and tried making a run for it across the pasture, only to have Mercury hot on her heels as the stallion thundered after her with his ears pinned in determination.
The lasso swung over her head with each flick of her wrist, getting faster with each rotation as they almost caught up to the heifer. Eden let the loop fly, only for it to land across the heifer's head wadded up but managed to unfold around her head and catching her as she ran forward and jumping wildly on the end of the rope as Mercury slid to a stop and started to back up to keep the rope taut. Mercury snorted as he caught his breath while Eden patted his neck with her free hand before reining him towards the barn where the other calves were. After trotting a few steps, the heifer quit resisting and started the direction towards the rest of the herd. They reached the barn and released the heifer into the catch pens with the rest to be vaccinated and dewormed. Eden looked towards the other pastures with calves waiting to be worked.
This was going to be a long day and many more calves to go.
Word Count: 375

Stock provided by fillyrox
Image size
4836x2104px 2.93 MB
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