Hi everyone! I'm is Luis Figueiredo, a portuguese guy born in 89 and graduated in Business Management in 2010. Afterwards I took a step back to make many forward: I decided to become an artist! Graduated in Vancouver Film School, in Canada in Classical Animation/2D. I am trying to achieve my dream and trying to become one of the best artists ever! I know that it's something subjective and difficult but the idea is to become as the best I can! Personal Quote: "No Pain, No Gain"
FOLLOW ME INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/inkartluis/
FBpage: https://www.facebook.com/luisgfigueiredoart/
YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/luisfigueiredoart
Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?
Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?
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Happy Birthday!