Dynamic CPU Core [1.0]injust29 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/injust29/art/Dynamic-CPU-Core-1-0-386070117injust29

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Dynamic CPU Core [1.0]



Just a quick test skin I made a while back and never got around to tidying up until now. It could probably still use some work, but hopefully I set things up and commented well enough for anyone to tweak to their heart's content.

Support 1-12 cores (including hyperthreading on the Intel i5/i7 chips). Uses CoreTemp for the temperature readings (which measure per core, not per thread, so ignore hyperthreading for the temperature skin).

Generates the correct number of slices for the number of cores; slices expand as the respective core load increases; slices are greyscale, each with a different color within a given range of values. The colored ring behind shows the average value across all cores, and the color smoothly transitions from green to red (or anything else you may wish to edit in) as the load increases.

Scaleable, with independent radii and number of cores per skin (CPU and Temp).

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This is a 10 yr old skin, but looks awesome. Totally wish this was expanded to RAM and GPU. Somebody smarter than me please do this and share! 😁