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IngwellRitter's avatar

Dont be afraid...



Update: less contrast, white border instead of black :)

From the wolves series... a young couple :)
Mother earth, thanks for these wonderful animals :aww:
Wolves, wolves, wolves! :love::giggle:

From the wolves series... [link]
Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos)


Esta manada de lobos me ofreció muchos momentos memorables. Dos de ellos daban círculos alrededor de una de las hembras, llegando a caminar los tres pegados, cola con cola, dejando a la loba en medio. Uno gruñia, el otro ladeaba la cabeza, y ella parecia evitar la pelea, rozando al que aparece en la foto con la cabeza. Es una serie de fotografías preciosas, en las que parecen estar bailando :love:

Pero he preferido enseñaros sus caras :aww:

:police: This image is NOT a stock! :police:
I have another account for stock :
Please respect my copyright.

:aww: Thank you! ;):)
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2500x2031px 3.45 MB
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UkuleleMoon's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Good almost-afternoon to you, fellow Deviant IngwellRitter! My name is UkuleleMoon and I am happy to answer the call of your critique request. As you may or may not know, I venture around the playground of imagination that is the DeviantArt community to communicate and reach out to fellow artists who are everything between being well-accomplished to novices. I can see that you're no novice when it comes to capturing the vital life and dangerous beauty of these fierce predators. I wanted to be the very first to respond to the view that is seen with your eyes and captured to be shared with everyone.

First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time and effort needed to bring a piece like this to our community. A lot of people think that there are too many pictures of wolves out there but I don't think that this holds true. I think people are naturally attracted to wolves because we see so many of our primitive roots reflected through their mannerisms and behaviors. Indeed, man and wolf evolved into an unlikely odd couple together. Modern man in society will wince at a primitive picture of an human ancestor running around in a breech cloth but rarely will we turn a blind eye to a creature that has inspired fear and haunted our dreams.

Capturing this pair in the way you did not only brings that ancestral bond honor, but it also brings about the awareness and conservation of these keen-eyed canines. The more we glimpse into our natural world, the more intimately connected and concerned we become of it's future. I think you should answer this calling with your talent and perhaps do a few commissions for some wildlife conservation groups either in your area or on the internet.

The picture only lacks a little bit of focus. I see why you turned up the contrast because it does appear a bit fuzzy in the common sense. I will applaud you on the choice of a white border, I think it adds a bit more of a dramatic effect to a picture that already ensnares my soul.

I would also like to point out to the rest of the viewers out there that if you are an aspiring photographer, that you take a hard look at what the artist is trying to capture here. The wolf to the left is fierce and determined. It's raw framing allows the viewer to actually FEEL the hot breath of the wolf on the hackles of their neck. The wolf to the right of the shot is more demure. This is a perfect yin and yang drawing. My congratulations to you. Keep up the good work.

I encourage you to take a look at this photographer's stock gallery at IngwellRitter-Stock you will not be disappointed.

Thank you for the rare opportunity to see life through your eyes.

- Moonkulele