Fili - The heir with no crownIngvildSchageArt on DeviantArt

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IngvildSchageArt's avatar

Fili - The heir with no crown



"But oh my heart, was flawed I knew my weakness
So hold my hand consign me not to darkness"
- Mumfor and Sons "Broken Crown"


Drawing this I was inspired by Mumford and sons "Broken Crown" and "Little lion man".

I do not know what more to say really, because my heart is still bleeding, and I will not spoil anything for you who has not seen bofa (though I cant see why someone has yet not seen it)!

This one was a very emotional one, which was also why I was reluctant to publish it. I litterally feel my heart is exposed in this drawing, and I know its not great or fantastic. Its okay, but I LOVE it!

Oh I cant speak of it...

I hope you like it, even if I know it doesnt look exactly like him! I didnt use a direct reference, other than for his nose, which isnt even that good x) I just love Dean's nose so I tried to make it more like his than his makeup! I like it! ^^

Fili (C) Tolkien
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1657x2194px 2.23 MB
© 2015 - 2025 IngvildSchageArt
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WhiteOrchidRose's avatar
I can't express how much I love this drawing! There is so much emotion in his eyes, face, expression.. It's just amazing! I can't believe I haven't taken much time in watching this, it makes it even more wonderfull!