Commissions are available. Pricing is based on canvas size and complexity of the sprite.
Interested parties should send a note or email: contact pixelartpaintings com.
Click the link below for my newly-opened shop on Big Cartel!
Please feel free to follow me on social media.
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I wish you have lots of fun here, feel free to post your Street fighter work in our gallery, (remember to choose the right folder to place your work in )
Be sure you put the club icon in your journal to help spread the word!
Art Submissions
When submitting your art for approval, please make sure it's in the proper folder.
For example, if your art is uncoloured or is unfinished, submit it under Line Art and Sketches, no matter how many characters it contains.
If it is coloured AND finished, then submit it to the character's folder, unless it fits one of the following criteria:
Contains multiple characters (then it goes under Group of Two or however many other characters it contains)
Contains multiple females (then it goes under Femme Fatale Group)
Is not drawn, but is of someone wearing a character's costume (then it goes under Cosplay)
Is a model or skin for a Street Fighter game (then it goes under Street Fighter Game Artwork)
Contains a character from Street Fighter and a character or characters from another franchise or franchises (then it goes under Street Fighter Crossover)
Any artwork placed in the incorrect folder will be delayed for authorisation by us and it could also be denied!
Thanks for joining the club!!!