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iNeedChemicalX's avatar

Where the beautiful things are



At first, you can't resist without reading his words. Your fingers beg you to write him just one more message, even though
the butterflies in your tummy paralyse your reason.

Then comes the urge to hear him. The seconds become minutes, the minutes become hours and the hours become money spent on phone bills. Yet you'd do anything to listen to his voice when you wake up, when you can't focus on learning, when you
pretend to need a movie suggestion and especially before going to bed.

At last, all the written and spoken conversations turn into the permanent necessity of his presence. Your whole body aches
for his, because the words are not enough anymore. You want to share your bed, your meals, your deepest passions with him.
You want to share yourself with him. Because now you know you've found the love. The kind of love that only comes once and promises to stay forever.

~tibiii and i.

be my facebook photographic buddy: [link]
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