Emperor of the StarsiNeedChemicalX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ineedchemicalx/art/Emperor-of-the-Stars-370265193iNeedChemicalX

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March 15, 2014
Emperor of the Stars by iNeedChemicalX Also suggested by other deviants.
Featured by 1pen
Suggested by ejrotsih
iNeedChemicalX's avatar

Emperor of the Stars



thank you, dear wind

this is something i saw with my soul.

be my facebook photographic buddy: [link]

Please respect my work. I am human, just like you, which means I have emotions, too. Which means I can get pretty edgy when people do bad things with my photos. Therefore, don't steal, don't copy, don't reproduce. Reposts on other websites are welcome, as long as you mention the author's name, that is Felicia Simion, and/or the original source. Thank you.
Image size
780x520px 222.31 KB
© 2013 - 2025 iNeedChemicalX
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MicromirOfTheNorth's avatar

Awesome!! :clap: True sci-fi!