Tip of The SoulInebriantia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inebriantia/art/Tip-of-The-Soul-208342976Inebriantia

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Tip of The Soul



Tip of the soul

Headed towards the tip of the soul, I fall over the doubts lying on the margins. A shipwreck in hostile lands, searching for a new world, lost in the memories of time.

José Ramos ©

:gallery: - Official website/portfolio - h t t p:// www.joseramos.com - [link]

:community: - Facebook page - [link]

:star:Prints for sale on my website.:star:


Technical info:

Location: Alvor - Portugal

Camera and lens: Sony a55 + Sigma 10-20mm
ISO: 100
Aperture: f8
Exposure: 20 seconds
Manfrotto tripod and remote shutter release
4 stop ND filter, 3 stop ND grad filter, warming filter


Other works from my gallery:

Image size
500x750px 229.22 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Inebriantia
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AdroVonCrow's avatar
ENG: Hi! due to some problems with the amount of work in the feature, I had to do an article to promote the 150 selected Works. As I have said earlier, this work is part of this collection, you can find in my journal and this article [link]

PT: Oi! devido a uns problemas com a quantidade de trabalhos no feature, tive de fazer um artigo para promover os 150 trabalhos que selecionei. Como anteriormente já o disse, este trabalho faz parte dessa coleção, que podes encontrar no meu journal e neste artigo [link]

FR: Salut! à cause de quelques problèmes avec la quantité de travail dans la fonction, je devais faire un article pour promouvoir les 150 tâches sélectionnées. Comme je l'ai dit plus tôt, ce travail fait partie de cette collection, vous pouvez trouver dans mon journal et cela [link] l'article

ES: ¡Hola! debido a algunos problemas con la cantidad de trabajo en la película, que tenía que hacer un artículo para promover los 150 trabajos seleccionados. Como he dicho antes, este trabajo es parte de esta colección, se pueden encontrar en mi diario y este artículo [link]