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Princess Peach



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Title - Princess Peach
Media - Pin Up Design
Method - Illustrator CS4
Dimensions - A3+, 13x19 Inches
Timeframe - 1 hr (Research) + 3 hrs (Concepts) + 3 hrs (Rendering)
Client - Personal Project

Wanted to do something much more fun and colourful this time :) It was made in Illustrator and has textures that were manipulated through illustrator as well. Wanted to make a kind of heroic, sexy Princess Peach for awhile. It is about time she gets out of the damsel in distress mode and is transformed into a strong female character, at least for a day =P. So here is my take on that.


A Selection of My Artwork
Powerpuff Girls by Indy-Lytle Mrs. The Monarch by Indy-Lytle Batwoman by Indy-Lytle Smurfette by Indy-Lytle Voodoo by Indy-Lytle
Image size
3900x5700px 3.62 MB
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SuperMarioFan65's avatar
Amazing. The dress look great and i love your art style. ^^