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Indi Martin
124 Watchers537 Deviations

Artist Bio: 

Hello! I'm Indi Martin, artist, author and owner of Tortoise & Hare Creations. In the art sphere, I illustrate comics (most recently the Shroud of the Avatar: New Beginnings comic miniseries), create art with pencils, inks, watercolors, acrylics, digital and any other medium that pops to mind by commission and for personal expression. Much of my client work is for D&D5E and Pathfinder materials, but I have also provided artwork for several tabletop games, a handful of video games and covers, and album covers. I'm freelance, though, so you (and I!) never know what'll pop up in a project! My home style is fantasy realism, but I also enjoy doing hardline (woodcut-style) black and white illustrations and playing around with different styles and mediums. Patreon:  

Want a commission? Email me at! My rates & current waitlist are below.  



#1 - EN Pub(1/25)
#2 - What Was - acrylic series (personal)
#3 - OPEN (Estimated start date July, 2023)
#4 - OPEN 
#5 - OPEN 

If you have a rush project you need completed before the ETA given on the waitlist, message me and I'll see what I can do!  

Base Rates: 

Notes: Larger pieces (above 11x15 for traditional) are negotiable. *****IMPORTANT: Additional character/detail charges may apply to all rates, which will be negotiated up front with a guaranteed price quote. These are base prices only.***** Price does not include shipping of original non-digital pieces. Contact me at to discuss individual commission pricing. Timeline estimations assume timely response for staged feedback. ;)

Large projects with multiple pieces will receive a break in costs. Returning clients receive an automatic 10% discount. Patrons ( ) receive discounts per their tier. 

For all commissionsUnless negotiated otherwise: You receive a lifetime, royalty-free usage and modification license to the commissioned art (allows all use except reselling the art as stock or standalone art prints). Rights reserved by artist to share all created art for self-promotion, including but not limited to Deviant Art, Patreon, social media, etc. Your art remains exclusive to you for 6 months, after which I may license the art to other projects (usually, but not always, as stock art). 

**50% deposit required to be added to the list (for new clients only).***

  • Digital Pieces

    • COVER: Full color detailed piece w/full background - Cover art - digital - maximum detail) - $490.00 (~1-2 weeks) - Examples:    Come Here, My Pet - Commission and Timelapse Video by indigowarrior  Cover: Book of Exalted Darkness - 5E by indigowarrior Recap - Pronoia - Full Vinyl Cover by indigowarrior  Recap - Pronoia - DARK (Interior Piece) by indigowarrior
    • HALF/FULL PAGE: Full color or b/w detailed piece w/full background - lineart & coloring/shading (up to 9x12 - digital) - (Color: $195.00, B/W: 165.00) (~5-7 days) - Examples:   Skeksis in the Crystal Chamber by indigowarrior DU Bestiary Final - Dragon by indigowarrior  Gallows Knight by indigowarrior
    • QUARTER/HALF PAGE: Full color or b/w scenes - lineart & coloring (up to 6x9 - digital) - (Color: $145.00, B/W: $110.00) (~3-5 days) Examples:  Dark Unknown: Cyclops by indigowarrior    Book of Passion - Gunslinger by indigowarrior   Bell of Courage by indigowarrior
    • CHARACTERS & SMALL PORTRAITS: Floating character or small portrait, no bg or limited background (up to 9x12 - digital) - (Color: $95.00, B/W: $80.00) (~3-5 days) Examples:  BoED: Rakshasa - Dark Transformation by indigowarrior ENWorld - Pirate Airship by indigowarrior   BoED: Tapper the Celestial Gnome Ranger by indigowarrior
    • STANDALONE ITEMS: Small no-background items (Color: $65.00, B/W $55.00) (~2-4 days) Examples:  Patreon Stock Art: Eye of the Sea (Amulet 6/6) by indigowarrior Patreon Stock Art: Glass Vial (Amulet 5/6) by indigowarrior

  • Timelapse or Animated Process Gif Options available - starting at $49 (great for advertising your project or Kickstarter/Patreon updates!) Examples here: YouTube Timelapse Playlist

  • Traditional Pieces 

    • Very Large Traditional (above 11x15 watercolor, acrylic or 11x17 ink) - Email for price discussion:
    • Large Traditional b/w or color (up to 11x15 (wc, acrylic) or 11x17 (ink) - watercolor, ink &/or marker original piece - non-digital) - $395.00 base (~1 week) Examples:  Hatchday - Acrylic on Canvas by indigowarrior   Undead Pyromancer - Acrylic on Canvas by indigowarrior      Skeksis - ink on bristol by indigowarrior 
    • Medium Traditional (up to 8x10) - watercolor, acrylic, ink &/or marker original piece - non-digital - $285.00 base (~2-4 days) Examples: SuckerPunch - Babydoll (Watercolor Commission) by indigowarrior   Hearth of Britannia - Watercolor by indigowarrior
    • Small Traditional (up to5x7) watercolor, acrylic, ink &/or marker original piece - non-digital - $140.00 base (~1-3 days) Examples:   Sugar Skull #1 by indigowarrior  Spring Flowers in West Virginia - Watercolor by indigowarrior  Windows: Watercolor and Ink Series by indigowarrior 

  • Comic Rates:

    • Full pages (start to finish) 
      • Black/White: $95pp 
      • Color: $145pp
    • Portion work (base rates - detail charges may apply):
      • Pencils (per page) - $55
      • Inks (per page) - $45
      • Flats (per page) - $30
      • Full Coloring (per page) - $75
      • Lettering (per page) - $25


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Artist Bio and Rates by indigowarrior, journal