Some information about me: In 2011, Indi Martin became a founding member of Tortoise & Hare Creations, into which she could pour her creative heartblood and - through alchemical equations and dark, rum-based magic - produce stunning projects. Indi is best known for penning the Gina Harwood novels, a series often described as X-Files meets Call of Cthulhu, as well as illustrating the official comic series for the MMO Shroud of the Avatar. Indi has supplied paintings for multiple D&D5E and Pathfinder roleplaying supplements, including the 5E Book of Exalted Darkness, Veranthea Codex, Mists of Akuma, and Hypercorps 2099: Wasteland, as well as several video game covers and manual illustrations including The Dark Unknown and Sylph: Project Miyaji. Additionally, she offers her original and fan art prints as well as commissions online and at conventions. Check out her online gallery at
Thank you for the fave
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great one!
What an amazing drawing style! I really love your works, especially the black and white ones.
Thank you very much!!
Thank you muchly! :)
thanks for the fav!