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Mature Content

Some concepts I can't let go of.
Jessie as a hypnotic belly dancer, or as "Jeh Sea" is one of them. Her Arbok developing mesmerizing powers and her gaining revenge/victory is a tale that I've loved writing and I can't help but go back at it, much like with other characters like Ankha or Vivi Nefertari. That said, whenever I do, I do try to have a different artist depict her.
Thus why I went to ONO-FIRE

Mature Content

And if you do like my work and wanna support me, check out my Patreon:…
Now just who is her target? Read on and find out!
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The only thing left for Brock to really do was take care of the gym.
Most of his siblings were able to take care of themselves now, some even leaving the house either for their own Pokemon journey or for other personal projects. Proud of them and certainly more like a dad than the big brother he was supposed to be, it was an odd turn-of-events to only have his Gym Leader duties to attend to. He was indeed the rock expert, the one in Pewter City who would challenge new trainers in order for them to get their badge and stop forward on their quest to become the very best...”like no one ever was”. Ash always said that and Brock had a certain fondness for the days when he got to tag along with him and Misty...along others. Discovering new things, meeting tons of beautiful women, battling Team Rocket...good times. Yet now was not the moment for nostalgia as he went on to do battle against a newbie, one that he figured out to learn a lesson here.
“ Spearow should have been invincible! Why did I lose?” the young trainer went on to say, possibly a young man who didn't get to start at a younger age, barely past adulthood and working on assumptions instead of actual knowledge. “A rock stays on the ground and a bird flies, so being hit should be impossible. It makes no sense!”
“Birds are indeed agile and cannot be hit by those sticking too deeply in the soil like fighting or ground types...but they're also light and have shallow bones,” Brock went on to teach, indeed a leader from a gym not just in strength but in mentality as his Onix had indeed done short work with that flying-type. “That means they are light and, as silly as it may sounds, rocks can be thrown and can tumble down even on those in the air. That makes them vulnerable.”
Dejected about his loss and how he wouldn't get the badge yet, the trainer was about to leave with a rather sour mood, which Brock wanted to alleviate with some sound advice, yet something stirred them both out of the situation. There was an event outside, happening somewhat just in front of the secluded gym near the mountain that was Brock's as the two men went on to get outside to see just what it: a...parade? As small as it was, there seemed to be a small delegation of exotically-dressed young men, each with pantaloons, open vests and a myriad of accessories like feathered hats, cuffs around their wrists and many other such trinkets. They were playing music, rather well in fact, as behind this whole group could be found a few people carrying a palanquin, one that seemed old-school and straight out of the Harubian Nights. Curious as to what was going on, both Brock and that young trainer stayed put in order to just understand all of this.
As the entire group of young men went on to stop and then form a perimeter not unlike that of a regulated space for pokebattles, they stopped playing their music as the palanquin was dropped right at the edge of the newly-created “arena”. From within came someone that seemed oddly familiar and yet not so much for Brock, a woman whose name and identity was on the tip of his tongue and yet...
“Greetings, my gym leading friend. Forgive me for the sudden intrusion, but I am on a little journey with my own students to go for a small tour of various training locales,” the woman said, one with a long a curvy magenta hairdo, wearing an outfit that Brock knew to be a bedlah, ever one to understand the naming and references of attractive getups. It was purple in color, with snake effigies of gold with a penchant for framing exquisitely her bust, her hips and waist and showcasing cleavage and midriff. She looked gorgeous, to be sure, yet something was off as she walked to the center of the makeshift stage in order to fixate her attention on Brock. “Allow me to introduce myself: I am Jeh Sea, the Gym Leader of Hypnosis, located in Haruba. If you may allow me one more little brusque intrusion, I have a favor to ask.”
Something felt a bit off, as Brock had indeed heard of plenty of gyms being opened and closed, the standard fare in this day and age due to financial problems or simply the leader not being up to snuff...but he had never heard of a gym specializing in one type of move only. “And what would you have me do?” he asked directly, looking at all those young men ogling and definitely smiling at the appearance and mannerism of this mature and pretty woman. He couldn't fault them, for she was a looker...yet he didn't feel the same kind of drive as with officer Jenny and nurse Joy for reasons uncertain to him.
“Why, something as simple as a battle, of course! I want to show off how others are training their pokemon and teaching their students. What better way to go with someone who has been in this business for a long time?” Jeh Sea explained herself, clapping her hands so that someone went on to bring her a small little box, like a jewelry case with velvet and gold upon its surface, in which pokeballs could be found within. She grabbed one and then winked, before giving Brock a little smirk. “And of course, while this would be but a friendly bout, why not make it interesting with a wager? If you win, why I'll do anything you ask, as per granting you a wish.”
“And I presume I'd have to do the same should I lose? I agree to your terms then,” Brock said as he went on to one side of the space reserved obviously for their upcoming duel. It was a good occasion to show to this newbie he defeated that it wasn't because he was bad but rather because Brock had experience that he lost. The idea of possibly asking for anything from this Jeh Sea was also a nice bonus, undeniably so, but it wasn't his main thought for the time being. “As one Gym Leader to another, I will not go easy on you, however. Prepare yourself for a serious battle.”
Going for a Graveller, having evolved his Geodude in time after some rigorous training, Brock was the first to announce just who would be battle as Jeh Sea seemed overly confident as she went for the ball in the middle of the velvet box, dismissing her student with a wave of her hand. “Go Arbok!” she said out loud, announcing just whom she had picked and right here and now Brock figured that either this Arbok was expertly-trained...or she was severely underestimating him. Poison-types were notoriously ineffective against rock ones, which made this match a foregone conclusion. Yet before any move could be done, she clapped her hands twice and near-immediately her escort went on to play their instruments again, filling the air once more with exotic sounds and melodies. “I hope you do not mind the music. I always enjoy listening to this whenever I battle. Call it a habit of mine.”
“It's no bother, as it'll be over quick,” Brock said with confidence, restraining himself from not taking his opponent seriously as he pointed at Graveler and then towards the Arbok, showing that indeed giving out decisive actions and commands would always be preferable to style when it came to battling. “Graveler, use Rock Throw!”
This was not meant to be a decisive blow, far from it, but rather a test to see if her Arbok was but ordinary. Thankfully for her, the Arbok saw this attack coming a mile away, using its superior agility and speed to its advantage as it dodged the large rock hurled toward it. It was still a foolish move to go for a poison-type against his Graveler, but then again perhaps she had one more trick up her sleeve as Brock waited for her to make the next move or to adapt...and yet what she did was the last thing he ever expected: she danced.
“One key aspect of every battle is focus, as your Pokemon and yourself have to concentrate on what your foes are doing and adapt oneself as best as you can,” Jeh Sea said, herself going for a more direct and overt lesson as her body decidedly was very nimble, gracious...and particularly alluring. Brock had heard of baladi in the past, of women flowing like water or serpents, their curves accentuated with sways and bumps and this is exactly what Jeh Sea was doing here, highlighting her fair-skin on display as the sun seemed to shine especially on her, as if she were oiled. More than that, there seemed to be something in her navel which he could distinguish even from afar, some kind of...gem? “Focus is especially important in your every day life, as it brings you discipline and allow you to really listen and watch those around you. Much like you're all watching me dance, listening solely to my words~”
She spoke in a way that was pleasant as Brock stared too despite himself. That specific hair, even that voice should be somewhat known to him, yet it was on the tip of his tongue as he tried to go forth and bring himself back into focus much like she explained. “Graveler...use...use Rock Blast!” Brock said, trying not to get too distracted by the sexy sight in front of him as he figured that perhaps, just mayhaps...he might ask her for a close and intimate performance after? Yet as he thought of her, Graveler went on to try and throw many rocks toward Arbok, pacing his shots only for Arbok to avoid them either easily or in extremis, with none of them landing. Yet as the poison-type went on to get closer to his opponent, Jeh sea continued to dance and speak, talking to her own trainees.
“As you can see, complete focus is an advantage and allows you to understand what the opponent will do. Every motions, every inches of their body, of their tells a whole story and you have to pay special attention to it. Even the inflexion of their voice can be of help~” Jeh Sea continued, not just talking to everyone else but as she gave her lesson she went for a lightly sultry tone while directing her gaze toward Brock. Even from afar she looked radiant now, his attention claimed and then anchored on those hips who rolled and then bumped up and down, her fingers framing her waist as she circled it a few times in quick successions before them doing chest bumps left and right to display her sizeable assets. “Wouldn't you say that concentration, that being aware of your opponent is key to victory?”
“Y-yes...” Brock responded immediately, somewhat with a slight hesitation as while he felt a little embarrassed to stare at this woman dancing to this melody still playing around...he couldn't help himself. Something about the way she looked, the way she talked, how that gem inside her belly seemed to somewhat create a slight spiral pattern on her abdomen caught him unaware and grabbed every single instances of his attention. Unbeknownst to him, the Arbok had gone on to catch up to Graveler and was constricting his movements, restraining any actions while then going on to stare deeply into his eyes, activating his hypnotic spirals.
“Anyone would agree, especially a talented expert here. He knows that it's not just the Pokemon, but especially his human partner that he has to watch out for. Wisely, he observe every bits of my moves, every curves of my body, aware that this is key to achieving victory~” Jeh Sea continued to say as she stretched her arms upward, standing as tall and elongated as she could while shimmying her hips, then bent her lower back so that the rays of the sun would hit on her well-oiled body. This resulted in her shimmering like a brilliant diamond, a true little gem as the hypno-badge reflected it all as well and amplified its swirling effect on her magnificent, swoon-worthy body. “Body language, even dancing, tells everything one needs to know about others...but about oneself too. Look at how he is studying me, scrutinizing me, even admiring me~”
He did realize that he had been staring for a little while now, enough to never notice that his Graveler had indeed been defeated. Entranced, asleep and at the mercy of his Arbok opponent, a few hisses from the serpentine Pokemon was enough for the rock-type to abdicate as Brock had failed to give proper directions to his own partner. Instead, he was listening and observing the completely mesmerizing Jeh Sea, caught in her spell and in her allure as he himself had barely realized the light amount of spirals forming inside his own gaze.
“However, now would be a good time to retire your Graveler, as he is soundly defeated. Do switch Pokemon, my dear Brock~” Jeh Sea teased as this half-snapped Brock back to reality, finally making him witness that even without uttering a single command to her had defeated a Pokemon which held a type advantage over it. This was no simple Arbok, that much was clear as this was not the time to gauge the adversary or play around as Brock went all in, picking up his strongest Pokemon.
“Onix, I choose you!” he said, throwing the ball toward the middle of the field as the large, serpent-like rock creature growled and leered at Arbok, who was somewhat unimpressed by the sheer contrast in size between those two. Yet as Brock figured that he ought not fall for the same trick twice, Jeh Sea's own lesson and suggestion held firmly within his mind as his own eyes drifted toward her, especially her midriff as she began to twist her hips and roll her stomach while placing her arms behind her head.
“Observe how much he has learned from this simple encounter. Now he knows best to lock his gaze on me, to listen to my voice, to really go for lessons he's memorized~” Jeh Sea continued, somewhat using him as the basis for teaching her students and while it did feel a touch humiliating...he really couldn't help himself but admire and be a total captive of her sensual dance. The way she undulated and waved her skin, how she seemed so in control was addictive, intoxicating even and without being aware of it he was fixated, entirely silent as he focused solely on much so that Onix could only look backward and wait for actual commands and attacks to direct. “Trusting one's Pokemon and your own instincts are primordial. As such, it is impressive that Brock does so by putting all of his attention on me, an opponent he knows to be skilled and great. He cannot do anything else but check up on me, never relenting his lock on my entire being.”
This was right, completely on-point as far as he was concerned, though this was his rapidly-entranced brain doing the talking rather than his common sense. Being such an aficionado of feminine beauty, of curves, made it so that he was helpless as without truly realizing it a smile had popped on his face, followed by drool and slight spirals instead of his usually-closed eyes. He was powerless, at her mercy, and so was his Onix in front of Arbok who climbed around its stony frame in order to get right in front of its eyes...and sway its hood along with its spiraling stare. Both Onix and Brock went on to completely fall prey to the same kind of tactic, only differently shown and used as both went on to get defeated in their own way.
“And now, despite their best efforts, despite giving it their all, they find victory eluding them and favoring me as I prove myself superior~” Jeh Sea said as she went on to move toward the field where Arbok was indeed finishing up their hypnosis of Onix as she got much closer to he fell on his knees when her own particular enthralling effect proved too much for his brain and body to handle. Up-close she was much too gorgeous, too mind-numbing and seductive for him to convey as he felt himself drool despite his best intentions not to. “Admit defeat, Brock. I have won and you know it~”
“I...I...” Brock said as he knew he had other Pokemon, he could even go forth and try a new strategy, perhaps even force her to change Pokemon with a different approach...yet seeing her standing so tall and so sexy while every spun around except for her made it so he understood that she was right and thus he went along with her words. “I lost...and you have won.”
“Marvelous~” Jeh Sea said, chuckling softly as Arbok got close to her, standing behind her and towering over her which made this team seem all the more imposing and formidable to Brock. He himself was caught in a trance, a light one which rendered him at her mercy and yet with a smug smirk she looked down on him. “You will have to do anything I say...and what I want is for you to watch me dance~”
Before he could even register it Brock went on to watch her intently and her performance was even better up-close. Her belly gem spiraled and her oiled-body was pristine, flawless, those wide curves and that hourglass figure so enticing that nothing else mattered anymore. Not his pride, not why he took this duel at first to teach this new trainer, nothing else. He hadn't even been aware of how utterly hypnotized this particular man had been, falling even faster than Brock as he had been on his knees for a long while. Both were messy and helpless, perfect for Jeh Sea to educate.
“It seems to me like you could use some lessons yourself, Brock. Why not get some at my own gym?” Jeh Sea suggested, her tone charismatic and even playful, as if mocking him even though his own humiliation was the least of his concerns. He was infatuated, swaying in place as a light case of vertigo hit him as Arbok behind her opened up his hood wide and stared down at him with spiraling eyes, adding the the effect of Jeh Sea's dancing. It was a hypnotic barrage, a complete dominance of the ego and pride and Brock was powerless to stop it...not that he could even conjure the desire to want to at this point. “You've become rusty, the shadow of the man you once were back when you traveled...but I can and will make sure you get stronger, better, much more focused. You only need to come with me and accept me as your teacher...your superior...your mistress~”
Already too weakened by his ordeal and by watching her, her words cut through his own reluctance and hesitation as any ambivalence toward whether or not he was attracted to her were destroyed by his own entranced and seduced mindset. She was so great, so magnificent that he couldn't help but fall for her, accept her words and offer as while he couldn't quite answer due to how helplessly hypnotized he was...she required none save nods and drool.
“Follow me in my palanquin and we shall begin your education through our travels. I shall show you the wonders of hypnosis and make it so your mind will be sharp and your skills even better than before~” Jeh Sea said as she clapped her hands twice in a soft manner, making it so those who carried that contraption went on to approach it while the musicians played in a gentler, less noisy manner. She went inside the open palanquin along with her Arbok as she beckoned for him to follow with a single finger...and he did the only thing he could do if he wanted to be like she said: he obeyed. “Very good. Let your mistress train you and soon you will never suffer any defeat, never feel nothing else but bliss~”
And in this she was right, for Brock never battled ever again. Multiple inductions, complete brainwashing ensured that he saw himself not as a trainer any longer, but as a slave and servant to her. He cooked for her and the other pets, toys and supplicants as he handed to her ownership of his gym alongside his own Pokemon. This was a vengeance for Jeh Sea, or rather Jessie as there was one thing that she had never forgiven him for, a personal affront that she would correct very soon: never falling for her charms. Brock had fallen for all women except for her despite Jessie looking much, much better than all of them. Yet soon, his past was nothing but vague memories as his present was comprised of obedience, hypnosis and the joy of serving the greatest and most beautiful woman of them all.
Mistress Jeh Sea.
nice, i wonder what stories will come with jeh sea ?