Happy At WorkInayatShah on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/inayatshah/art/Happy-At-Work-943654905InayatShah

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Happy At Work

Model  Happy WorkerLocation  Taxila Pakistan


Location: Taxila Pakistan

Taxila was an important city of Ancient India, situated at the pivotal junction of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia, on the eastern coast of the Indus river. It is often considered the southern gateway of the Gandhara Kingdom.  The area is littered with many ancient and archaeological sites that are mostly  ancient Buddhist or Indo-Greek.  The city of Taxila is estimated to date back to 1000 BC, but there are ruins in the area that date back to the neolithic era   dating to 3360 BCE.

The Ancient city of Taxila was famed for the art of Rock cutting and sculpting, using the local stone.  In Fact Taxila is derived from the sanskrit words Takh Shila , meaning City of Cut Stone.

Modern day Taxila houses two engineering universities and some of the countries most advanced Industrial complexes. Modern Day Taxila boasts of being  one of highest literacy rates of the country.   The Industrial complexes which employ the majority of skilled and semi skilled manpower also house all their workers inside mini walled cities with schools and hospitals and markets. Well planned and very beautiful residential complexes.

But step outside the walls of these residential complexes and one finds themselves time warped back by many decades, and people live their lives and indulge in ancient crafts and trades practically unchanged for centuries.  
Image size
1000x750px 127.63 KB
Shutter Speed
1/320 second
Focal Length
52 mm
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Date Taken
Dec 29, 2022, 9:07:32 AM
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