Terms of use.

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Inadesign-Stock's avatar
Here are some simple rules to follow when using my stock.

:bulletred: Please do not redistribute or make minor changes and claim it as your own.
:bulletred: Please do not make stock from my stock.
:bulletred: Your manipulations of my stock photographs are not allowed to be submitted to any of the photography categories.
:bulletred: Credit me with a link back to the stock you used or to this account.  
:bulletred: Please leave a link for me, as I love to see the results of your work.
:bulletred: Use outside of DA is allowed but please still credit me and  send me a link to your work.
:bulletred: Prints of your art work that includes my stock are allowed.

© 2009 - 2024 Inadesign-Stock
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Neyawara's avatar

Can I use it for commercial work like for book covers?