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This is for the "Earth - The Deepest Respect", which you can check out right here

A couple of things.

I hate submitting for contest, because well I never win, and that is not in my blood.

I only submitted this because of the judging panel, which is loaded.

Also, I know I said I was not going to do a lot of photos till I got my good camera back. Well I get bored and so I borrowed my old Sony back, and got to work. I'm saving my good stuff for my good camera though mind you.

The contest is supposed to be on earth and yadda yadda, but you all know me.

I'm in the business of critical thinking...

I'm in the business of not only going outside of the box, but making a whole new one...

I'm in the business of making you see things other then what you are used to seeing.

So I took a different route with how to show my respect for the earth in a picture.

This kind of photo is very versatile! I want you all to steal me idea, and go take your own photo with a globe and a you are here sign.

I am personally going to steal my own idea, and do it many many ways. If you do want to go do something like this, make sure you link me so I can see and we can all giggle together.

Anyways, I would say wish me luck in the contest.

But I don't want your wishes. I want your favorites RAWR!
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2799x4072px 3.64 MB
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