Besht PoneImpCJCaesar on DeviantArt

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ImpCJCaesar's avatar

Besht Pone



ATG IV - Day 14: Draw a pony celebrating/Draw a triumphant pony

I drew something simple this time, I didn't have big ideas.
But I did get sentimental and decided to write a little something about this.
So hold your butts.

Sometimes, a triumph is something very simple. For Applejack it's a blue ribbon, today. It's not much, but it can give us joy and pride in what we do.
I want to dedicate this drawing to all of the ATG artists, who stayed day after day, drawing and practicing and hopefully being proud of what they created.
It's dedicated especially to the beginners who didn't give up when they saw some other artists drawing "better" than them and pushed through the work and the possible frustration.
I dedicate this drawing to all the friends, old and new, that I made through the ATG. You are the ones I keep drawing for and you help me out every day with your presence.
I hope that everyone got the possibility this year to experiment the magic of the ATG, that unites all the artists together and helps them find new friends.
I thank you all for the support and the comments that I received in these days... and of course I thank everybody for the art they shared.

Anyway, while I wipe my tears, I'll just make you notice how Applejack is the cutest thing I ever drew today.

See you all tomorrow for the last ATG entry!
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© 2014 - 2025 ImpCJCaesar
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GuillermoGage's avatar
I prefer it when people don't draw such small, diminuitive snouts, especially from this 3/4 angle. It's one f the more problematic issues with MLPFiM mares, but oftentimes, fanart depicts it even worse than the canon show.

... I think artists should be willing to draw snouts larger, even if it means that the botton part of an eye might be covered up by a pony's snout at certain angles due to the snout taking up a larger amount of space on the head.

When people make the mares' snouts so ridiculously diminuitive, their heads don't even look like ponies' head anymore, they look like cats heads, the heads are very round like cats heads, but with a very short coat and more equine, floppier ears and a mane, but that snout just looks like it was drawn on, like you could easily wipe it off.