FarewellImalou on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/imalou/art/Farewell-680804477Imalou

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Today the french brony community lost someone precious, someone kind and creative, someone that was always positive. Guillaume also known as Python, was 27 years old when he died this saturday, during his airsoft play, fell in a hole that took his life.

Today I lost a friend, a guy I first met in the first french brony convention, Bronydays 2013. He loved to cosplay and was wearing this Soarin suit, we were in the waiting line talking about things and had fun for a hour, he was very kind and since I was always happy to see him during conventions.
He used to go to a lot of conventions, sharing his love for cosplay. Him and his group won three consecutive times the cosplay contest at Galacon.
Guillaume was loved by many, his family, his girlfriend, his airsoft friends, his brony friends... We will miss you a lot.

Here's my tribute for him, I hope you rest in peace buddy
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Shit man. That's fuckin sad.