...In the Cavern...Imaliea on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/imaliea/art/In-the-Cavern-89514308Imaliea

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...In the Cavern...



...you will find.... this guy! boo! don't worry though, he's just a curious merman. I painted him because realised it was kind of blasphemous, me having been crazy about merfolk since I was a tiny tot, that I'd never actually painted one! o.o so I set out to fix that.

I used a few custom brushes for this, but they're ones that I created myself - one for the scales, and one for the reflective light in the water. I'll upload them if people are interested :)

Oh and PLEASE fullview, it's worth it I promise :)

EDIT: In case anybody wants it, I will make a print available of this

Artwork © Imaliea
DO NOT steal this artwork or use it without permission
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3744x2717px 3.99 MB
© 2008 - 2025 Imaliea
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dpdesautels's avatar

Very cool! I don't think I've seen this palette/lightibg used before, and it's a definite winner! (It's hard enough to find handsome, non-sexualized, detailed mer-males.)