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we love iron man and marvel
Years Ago
133 Members142 Watchers

Adoptable Purge - ALL OPEN- by LordVaderNihilus, journal

Adoptable Purge -ADOPTABLES OPEN TO POINT OFFERS- by LordVaderNihilus, journal

Looking for a partner to have fun with! by LordVaderNihilus, journal

ART TRADES -OPEN- by LordVaderNihilus, journal

Update on the case by LordVaderNihilus, journal

Comissions are open! by LordVaderNihilus, journal

Jasmine and Sarah - *setting the tower up for Halloween* Katherine - what are you guys doing? Sarah - getting the place ready for halloween Katherine - What's Halloween? Jasmine and Sarah - *turns to Katherine* YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HALLOWEEN IS?!??!!

A little bit of multiverse action (sneak peek) by Batdeku76, journal

Comments 80

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Thank u for the request of my Black Panther drawing!! :) Truly appreciated!! 
Hey there, thanks a million for the request. I look forward to working with the group;)
Im glad you´re a member now, i thought you were
Hey no problem, so with this group is it only iron man related stuff or other marvel stuff as well?
all marvel art is accepted
Thanks for the art request, really appreciate it!✌️😎