ilovestrawberries's avatar


788 Watchers312 Deviations
This morning I woke up and decided to log in to my dA account just to see what I've been missing.  I've been pretty inactive here so I didn't really expect anything new aside from my usual deviation updates from people I watch.  Imagine my surprise when I found my inbox bursting with messages!   It turns out that one of my self portraits have been featured as a Daily Deviation!!!!


I can't tell you how grateful I am to for this honor.  I've been on dA for almost 5 years now and I've never gotten a DD before.  So I definitely didn't expect to get one now especially since I barely upload anything there these days.  I don't really have much else to say except thank you to Fatooome for suggesting my photo and to DemonMathiel for featuring it.  And also to those who support what I do.  Words cannot express how happy I am right now.  :D


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I'm not sure if people will read this since I've been terrible inactive here on dA, but I have an announcement:

I've decided that I will stop posting my entire 52-week project here.  I have two reasons:

:star: I'm lazy and I forget to upload (I'm still uploading pictures from my 52-week project for 2010)
:star: I don't really like some of the pictures I take, but I'm forced to upload them because they're part of the project.

Anyway, from now on I will only upload my favorite shots here on dA.  If you're interested in seeing my entire project, then you can just go and check it out on my Flickr photostream or my blog

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Whoa, my last journal entry was back in January!

Anyway, I attended the Toycon last July 19 with my sister, boyfriend and cousins.  I took a while for me to go through all the pictures that we took that day, but I've finally finished sorting them.  I don't have a subbie here on dA so I can't post the pictures on my journal, but you're free to drop by my blog and view them there:



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I'm back!  I've been pretty inactive for a while but I decided to revive my deviantArt account.  I've been terribly busy the past few months (I still am) but I'll try to log on to this site more often.  Most of the friends I've made here have probably left or have forgotten me (hopefully not) but it's always good to make new friends right?

Anyway, I logged in to find 10,360 messages!  Whoa~  Well, 8000+ of them were art and journal submissions from people I watch.  I quickly browsed through them and added a few stuff to my collection.  I've been trying to respond to the comments I've received as well, and giving back llamas to people who gave them to me.  (I still don't get what the llamas are for though.  I've been gone for too long I guess.)

I'll be uploading a bunch of stuff in my gallery soon (this week probably, if I get some free time).  Most of them are old stuff I submitted to Flickr last year, but I figured they should go on my dA gallery as well.

In the meantime, feel free to visit my blog or drop by my Flickr stream :XD:

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My subbie expires tomorrow, so here's a last minute entry (which I copied from my blog XD) for you guys.  Thanks again to :iconnikivandermosten: for the one month subscription :hug:  I had fun with it~

Anyway, I attended the Ozine Fest 2010 last April 9 (Friday) with my sister, cousin and a few friends.

I cosplayed as my sister, mwahahahaha~  J/K Everything I’m wearing is hers (except for the boots).  Even the bag belongs to her XD

I’m happy :iconjavachipdoodle: was able to go this time, although we went separately (she was with her cousins).  Its always nice having someone fangirl with you, so you don’t look like a complete idiot screaming by yourself.  

We arrived at Megamall around 11am, only to find an extremely long line that made several twists and turns along the mall.  We decided to grab some lunch first before getting tickets. At around 12:30, we headed back up to find that the line had disappeared, and we were finally able to get tickets and go inside.

In front of the Ozine Fest poster

Ozine Fest ticket

PEDOBEAR!  Ezra watch out!

I found a moogle cosplayer, nyahahaha!  Hi Brinky!

Girl power


My sister and Ciel

Goldfish scooping!  We wanted to try this, but there was a line, and it seemed hard.

Lonely moogle

Ryuk cosplayer (with his mask on the side of his face)


We didn’t get that many pictures of the cosplayers this time, we were too shy to approach them when they gathered as a group.  I know that most people who go to these events don’t mind getting their pictures taken, but there was this one guy who ran away when we asked for a picture, leaving his friend to apologize and look embarassed!  What a jerk~  He could have just refused instead of running away like an idiot.  He wasn’t even cute, we just liked his wig/hair because it looked like L’s from Deathnote.

I was extremely tired from walking so much the whole day.  As soon as we got in the car, I fell asleep and only woke up when we were almost home.  My feet still hurt a bit now, but it’s totally worth it, I had a blast.  Looking forward to ToyCon 2010 in June.

Mature Content

OPEN NIGHT by StigmaChina
Echoes of Dawn by Aegils she reads in fields by aimeelikestotakepics:thumb160420728: Ophelia by AlexandraVBach TOO TOO LATE by cetrobo:thumb160706677::thumb158199767: dear diary by ninamokaka:thumb139885597::thumb159759086: ..::Forgotten Sorrow::.. by Yosia82:thumb159976441: mirando by marbaltico
:thumb146191346: FFvXIII - Noctis Lucis Caelum by AmenoKitarou If Only I Could Fly by meoww please, call back later. by perhydrol Peace of Cake by ZoeWieZo Final Fantasy XIII - Snow 02 by beethy

My recent uploads:
12:Golden hugs, Sushine Kisses by ilovestrawberries 11: Every girl is a princess by ilovestrawberries 11: Pure snow, pure heart by ilovestrawberries MiniMe : Happily Ever After by ilovestrawberries 12 : Mechanical Lullaby by ilovestrawberries 10: Friends Forever by ilovestrawberries Bloody Rose II by ilovestrawberries 08: Jumping to my dream by ilovestrawberries 08: The beat of my heart by ilovestrawberries Beautiful Days by ilovestrawberries 10: Bloody Rose by ilovestrawberries Bloody Rose III by ilovestrawberries

Please visit my blog if you have time:

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(more in my shoutboard)
:thumb60411254: Canon EOS 400D Stamp by MabusOWP Llama Bagde thanks stamp by izka197 Stop taking pics of your pussy by pallottili I_love_manga-stamp by kluska-chan:thumb145742139: Proud to be Pinoy by madcoffee I heart my Laptop by StamPorMole firefox by urbanAR7 UP Stamp by numina-namine:thumb41959558::thumb27614607::thumb39648239: Toyota Stamp by MyStamps Wacom User :stamp: by Amblygon Computer Stamp by ShadowDragon22:thumb51007059: -fangirl squeal- Stamp by ladychimera Normal people scare me stamp by deviantStamps:thumb36410592: Tae Kyung's pout face by madame-edith

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OMG~ Daily Deviation!?! by ilovestrawberries, journal

Deviant art and my 52-week project by ilovestrawberries, journal

My Toycon 2011 experience by ilovestrawberries, journal

9 months and 10,000+ messages by ilovestrawberries, journal

Ozine Fest photos + Features by ilovestrawberries, journal