Llmas?? I missed out on the avatars!! + Features

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ilovestrawberries's avatar
I didn't check dA yesterday, and it appears that I missed out a lot.  I've been reading about the Twilight and Lady Gaga avatar uproar on people's journals. It's too bad I missed it.  I hope I was in Team Jacob though :XD:

Also, what's with the llamas?  I don't really get what they do, but I found out that I got a couple of them, so thank you!  But seriously, what's it for?

I've just been reading manga and watching random stuff these days.  I have a take home exam I should be answering, but I'm really not in the mood.  Everytime I open my book, my mind drifts off T__T

Anyway, I'm currently hooked on this manga at the moment:

Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu

I luff it~  I just finished reading the last available chapter and I can't wait until the next update.

I also started watching "You're Beautiful" :love:

Memorium by Laura-Ferreira:thumb159139214: r e m i n i s c e n c e by EmberRoseArt:thumb158847823: sof 2 by meemographic WetPaint by fabysalmeron Eve's love letter by merilyn-monroe polka by CaitlinWorthington butterfly wand by beorange No worries by girltripped miss you.... by IgNgRez Spring Earth by P0RG:thumb158318131: you won't get me by apeel:thumb157944987::thumb122528311: Enjoy the silence. by ma5a Red Tulip by ZoeWieZo
Nunnally - Her Endless Dreams by hexlord Train Chaos by dantoadityo:thumb157538561: Old Box by Hidden-In-My-Mind:thumb158391450::thumb158269351:

My recent uploads:
10: Friends Forever by ilovestrawberries Bloody Rose II by ilovestrawberries 08: Jumping to my dream by ilovestrawberries 08: The beat of my heart by ilovestrawberries
10: Bloody Rose by ilovestrawberries Bloody Rose III by ilovestrawberries

Please visit my blog if you have time:

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(more in my shoutboard)
:thumb60411254: Canon EOS 400D Stamp by MabusOWP Llama Bagde thanks stamp by izka197 Stop taking pics of your pussy by pallottili I_love_manga-stamp by kluska-chan:thumb145742139: Proud to be Pinoy by madcoffee I heart my Laptop by StamPorMole firefox by urbanAR7 UP Stamp by numina-namine:thumb41959558::thumb27614607::thumb39648239: Toyota Stamp by MyStamps Wacom User :stamp: by Amblygon Computer Stamp by ShadowDragon22:thumb51007059: -fangirl squeal- Stamp by ladychimera Normal people scare me stamp by deviantStamps:thumb36410592: Tae Kyung's pout face by madame-edith

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