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OMG~ Daily Deviation!?!
This morning I woke up and decided to log in to my dA account just to see what I've been missing. I've been pretty inactive here so I didn't really expect anything new aside from my usual deviation updates from people I watch. Imagine my surprise when I found my inbox bursting with messages! It turns out that one of my self portraits have been featured as a Daily Deviation!!!!:iconmikulaplz1::iconmikulaplz2::iconmikulaplz3:
:iconmikulaplz4::iconmikulaplz5::iconmikulaplz6:I can't tell you how grateful I am to for this honor. I've been on dA for almost 5 years now and I've never gotten a DD before. So I definitely didn't expect to get ...
Deviant art and my 52-week project
I'm not sure if people will read this since I've been terrible inactive here on dA, but I have an announcement:I've decided that I will stop posting my entire 52-week project here. I have two reasons::star: I'm lazy and I forget to upload (I'm still uploading pictures from my 52-week project for 2010)
:star: I don't really like some of the pictures I take, but I'm forced to upload them because they're part of the project.Anyway, from now on I will only upload my favorite shots here on dA. If you're interested in seeing my entire project, then you can just go and check it out on my Flickr photostream or my blog
My Toycon 2011 experience
Whoa, my last journal entry was back in January!Anyway, I attended the Toycon last July 19 with my sister, boyfriend and cousins. I took a while for me to go through all the pictures that we took that day, but I've finally finished sorting them. I don't have a subbie here on dA so I can't post the pictures on my journal, but you're free to drop by my blog and view them there::star: TOYCON BLOG ENTRY HERE :star:Jya~
9 months and 10,000+ messages
I'm back! I've been pretty inactive for a while but I decided to revive my deviantArt account. I've been terribly busy the past few months (I still am) but I'll try to log on to this site more often. Most of the friends I've made here have probably left or have forgotten me (hopefully not) but it's always good to make new friends right?Anyway, I logged in to find 10,360 messages! Whoa~ Well, 8000+ of them were art and journal submissions from people I watch. I quickly browsed through them and added a few stuff to my collection. I've been trying to respond to the comments I've received as well, and giving back llamas to people who ga...
© 2010 - 2025 ilovestrawberries
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