1,000 Pageviews!

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IlluminatedNewt's avatar
So it's been quite a while since I've submitted any new artwork or updated my Journal. Sorry about that, but a lot of things have been going on (work related).

I've been so swamped with work that I wasn't able to create a drawing for the Seventh Sanctum Weapons & Warriors contest, but congratulations to the winners of the contest! [www.seventhsanctum.com/contest…. Its fun looking through all of the submissions and seeing the different types of characters that people came up with, especially for a contest that has such diversity of generators to choose from.
As for the newest contest on Seventh Sanctum: Horseplay [www.seventhsanctum.com/contest…, I think I might sit this one out and wait until the next contest rolls around. Drawing magical equines just isn't my thing. Sorry.

That reminds me: Steven Savage just finished publishing his eBook called: Focused Fandom: Cosplay, Costuming, and Careers. [www.focusedfandom.com/book-cos… If you like costumes, cosplay, or both, I recommend taking a look at it.

Last but not least, I want to thank everyone for getting my DeviantART page up to 1,000 pageviews. I know 1,000 isn't a lot compared to most artists, but this is a new milestone for me (never before has my artwork been so popular).

Thanks for your support, and have a great day today!

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