ARX-7 Arbalest -Final-Illsteir on DeviantArt

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Illsteir's avatar

ARX-7 Arbalest -Final-



This will be the final update of this AS. Changes in this version are the following:

New GRAW-2 Monomolecular Cutter
Remodeled Boxer Shot Cannon
New set of Feet
Remodeled Back Hatch and Chest
Added a Multipurpose Weapon Latch
Overall height increased by 2%

I'll Upload the .skp once I get my home internet up again. Thanks for viewing

Created using Google Sketchup 7, Bunkspeed Hypershot and Adobe Photoshop

Full Metal Panic! (c) Shouji Gatoh, Kadokawa, Shikidouji
Image size
960x1080px 934.11 KB
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Hi, there! It seems that you're really busy and couldn't afford to update your art in deviantart like some times ago. Hereby, I just want to say that I'm interested to use this picture of Arbalest to be put on my car (I want it to be kind of itasha). Is that okay? Of course, the credits will go to Shouji Gatoh, Kadokawa, Shikidouji, and Illsteir :D (Big Grin)