make to Steampunkilker-yuksel on DeviantArt

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make to Steampunk



make to Steampunk..

© 2009 ilker Yüksel Personel Work...
Photoshop CS4, Intuos 3
Image size
1680x1050px 1.3 MB
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Hi :) i finaly find ths masterpiece. It has been my wallpaper for years. While studying my Master Degree in Computer science, then for 6 years as a developer and now as a comedian ... I saw myself again and again in my moments of solitude ... And today, being less a science guy and more an artist one ... I tried to find you to thank you because once again my wallpaper made me feel better again ... Thank you for the inspiration, for remembering me everyday I struggle that taking a break is important, that boredom lead to innovation and inspiration and that one day, even machines may be tired and it's okay <3 Hope this message will find you well