Gulpin? Nobody likes you.ILKCMP on DeviantArt

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Gulpin? Nobody likes you.



I recently got a tablet, so I was fooling around with some hand-drawn stuff.

I figure the best way to learn is to look at others' for inspiration -- in this case, Sumiyoshi Kizuki. I've already done a Miki Tanaka-style piece (a while ago), but I'm going to work on replicating the style of a different TCG artist each piece and in so doing, hopefully develop my own style in the process.

Really just a practice/trial-and-error/first time using a tablet piece, but I'll probably end up using this for artwork for the Neo Redux Gulpin card.

Pokémon © Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.
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