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The World is Flat…
…and there are two suns in the sky. These details may not affect gameplay much (until you sail off the edge of the world!), but they’re there to remind you that Allu is not just Medieval Europe Plus Wizards; it’s a completely unique environment. In addition, the physics-defying geography is a reminder that the Gods of Allu are very real, and exert a major influence upon the landscape. Finally, the two suns represent a great cycle of power that governs Alluvians’ access to magic and technology (see #4 and 5 below).
To help make Allu distinct from other fantasy worlds (and most fantasy RPG settings), we have moved some familiar faces into the background, and brought some of the less common playable races into the spotlight. Although elves, dwarves, and halflings figure into the history of Allu, most of these Tolkeinian races are rare or extinct by the Third Age, when most campaigns begin. The half-blood races (half-elf and half-orc) are likewise gone. But to make up for these lost options, you’ll find lots of options for races like the catfolk, vanara, and minotaurs, plus three brand new playable races!
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