Ikue on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ikue/art/Signed-Sealed-Delivered-245775318Ikue

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Ikue's avatar

Signed, Sealed, Delivered



I'm Yours! :sing:

Thought I'd throw together a journals skin to help celebrate the 11th b-day here on dA! As a gift, the powers that be have given everyone the use of journal skins for the week! Hope you use an enjoy this skin, be sure to look through my gallery for more choices too!

Here's how to use the headers/breaks:

<div class="head">Plain Red Header Text</div> -or-
<div class="head2">Folded Red Header Text</div>

Plain folded line break: <hr>

Please be sure to edit the skin once installed and change the bit in the footer that says ":dev ikue:". Change it to your devname (or any text link) to use as a signature.

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Please add:

.skin_attribution {display:none;}

.journalbox {
position: relative!important;
margin: 8px auto!important;
.journalbottom {left:-10px!important;}

a.seal {bottom:25px!important;}

To the bottom of the CSS... The 'skin by ikue' is screwing up the footer area and the new deviation style pages make the buttons wonky. -_-
© 2011 - 2024 Ikue
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luckydesigns's avatar
I've featured this piece [link] :heart:
Have a great week :peace: