ikr on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ikr/art/Maya-664212309ikr

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The first of a series of old, mostly sketchy and little drawings that I'll be posting to my gallery these days. Most of the stuff I'll upload have already been posted to my other SNs, and some of them even date back from 2014 and 2015, but they've never been posted to DA. So in a way, they're still going to be new for most of you? ´w `;

This is last year's birthday gift I did for :iconamelise: for always being there for me and supporting me ♥
(I actually did a recording of the process at that time; you can find the video here)

Topic aside, how many of you guys are in toyhouse? are you more active there or here? I really like the site's concept but most of my OCs are too old, I barely draw them anymore and I'm not a frequent adopt buyer/seller so I think I can't enjoy it to the fullest. However I do find it entertaining seeing other people's OCs and designs. I think you can get to know someone a bit just by browsing the type of characters they like or create * v*
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Yamuii's avatar
When are you going to post again? :c