iknowpony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/iknowpony/art/Sphinx-petting-simulator-712732254iknowpony

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Sphinx petting simulator



Music ~ link ~ Последняя галактика by Phelanhik

All interactions are done with cursor. You can click on Sphinx's ears, wings (when riddles are hidden), tail or gold bracelet. Or pet her on the head via holding left mouse button. You can also click on the bar in the lower right corner to set the volume from 0 to 100 percent (in increments of 10).

To reveal/hide riddles ~ boop her nose. =3
You can switch between riddles by clicking on numbers in the upper left corner.

Adobe Flash Player are discontinued nowadays, but you still can download the swf (flash file) and open it with standalone player. If you don't like Adobe, run Windows or Linux, and a bit tech-savvy - you can open swf file with open source alternative called Lightspark (for me it worked, a bit imperfectly).
Image size
1280x720px 5.7 MB
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