119 SKG Panthera - DECEASEDIkiuni on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ikiuni/art/119-SKG-Panthera-DECEASED-279551039Ikiuni

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119 SKG Panthera - DECEASED



:new: Panthera is now deceased as Nordanner. Otherwise she is very alive and kicking. XD Sorry for the confusion.

The ID and geno (including slots) have been sold to NikkiiQ, and will be transferred to Drakes. Panthera's design (and name) will stay with me. The "Drake-Panthera" will be renamed and designed.

New non-Nordanner ref (design, name):

New Drake form (ID, geno, slots):

:star: SKG Panthera :star:

ID: 119
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Gender: Mare
Age: 14 years
Height: 17.1HH

Geno: ee Aa FwnFwn
Color: Chest Fawn

------------------------------------------ SSS: starter
----------------- SS: starter
------------------------------------------ SSD: starter
Sire: starter
------------------------------------------ SDS: starter
----------------- SD: starter
------------------------------------------ SDD: starter
------------------------------------------ DSS: starter
----------------- DS: starter
------------------------------------------ DSD: starter
Dam: starter
------------------------------------------ DDS: starter
----------------- DD: starter
------------------------------------------ DDD: starter

:star: Breeding Slots :star:

:bulletblack: = used breeding slot
:bulletpurple: = unused breeding slot

:bulletblack: 1. HorseGeek1997 USED
:bulletblack: 2. Nomezy93 USED
:bulletblack: 3. blaine-rr USED
:bulletblack: 4. Ikiuni USED
:bulletblack: 6. MissStylish USED
:bulletblack: 5. KonaKinz USED
:bulletblack: 7. SilmesDragonStable USED
:bulletblack: 8. ZombieOverLoad USED
:bulletblack: 9. BlackGlassButterfly USED
:bulletblack: 10. TsonianFieldsRanch USED

Proof of EB status.
:bulletblack: 11. Ikiuni USED
:bulletblack: 12. Kryptic-Stable-Nordy (breeding exchange (Anya)) USED
:bulletblack: 13. JC-Nordanner/joesse USED
:bulletblack: 14. soulswitch USED
:bulletblack: 15. xoSapphy USED
:bulletblack: 16. Ikiuni USED
:bulletblack: 17. BrindleTail/NorthEast-Stables USED
:bulletblack: 18. Ikiuni USED
:bulletblack: 19. ThatDenver USED
:bulletblack: 20. Ikiuni USED

Extra slots:

Dragon Hunt 2013: Results + Note
:bulletblack: 21. RidgewayRanch USED
:bulletblack: 22. abosz007 USED

Proof of extra slot
:bulletblack: 23. EmeraldTheWoof USED

:star: Offspring :star:
:bulletblue: = colt/stallion/gelding
:bulletpink: = filly/mare

1. 314
2. 395
3. 378
4. 55
5. 1240
6. 1284
7. 1207
8. 1718
9. 4260
10. 5999

11. 6057
12. 3566
13. 4771
14. 3170
15. 4460
16. 4032
17. 4447
18. 6472
19. 6432
20. 7714

21. 9082
22. A1339

23. A5369

© Art by Heidi M. (Ikiuni)
No refs used
© Design by BaliroAdmin
© Breed belongs to Cloudrunner64
Image size
1848x1304px 675.08 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Ikiuni
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EmeraldTheWoof's avatar
Foal ID A5369 (I'm in the process of designing it ^^)