What's New
Beta Launch: The New Mobile Header
A new header for the mobile website has just been released to Beta Testers! Our mobile website has always been a condensed version of the desktop site, but the header has been given a minor overhaul to be more mobile-friendly, and with a sleek new look to match.Menu items have been updated for ease of access and use, and everything that was previously available through the menu accessed by tapping on the logo is still present.
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DeviantArt App Available on Amazon App Store
Good news for deviants who use Amazon's Kindle Fire mobile devices! The Android version of the DeviantArt mobile app is now available for download in the Amazon App Store. Download it today and let us know what you think.Your Feedback
Thank you for your feedback on the last Site Update of last year!- Feedback regarding the change to display of hidden comments was positive.
- A few deviants said that they would like hidden replies to function in the same way as hidden comments. Unfortunately, there are technical limitations that prevent us from doing so at this time, but the feedback has been noted.
- Deviants liked the change to the subnavigation on the Browse page, particularly the addition of the "Return to Top" button.
DeviantWatch and Groups
How would you feel if the DeviantWatch section of the Message Center was split into two sections (deviants and Groups)?Header artwork: At the Heart of Winter by NicolasAlexanderOtto
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