Queen Lauren Faust WallpaperIIThunderboltII on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/iithunderboltii/art/Queen-Lauren-Faust-Wallpaper-491781237IIThunderboltII

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IIThunderboltII's avatar

Queen Lauren Faust Wallpaper



So I found this beautiful vector made by :iconartist-apprentice587: and this is what came out of it.

I have to say, trying to get a cool look for :iconfyre-flye: OC was REALLY hard to get. But eventually I got something that I could work with! :D

Even tho Lauren Faust isn't a real queen, she still is for the show and the fandom! Thanks to her, lot's of people around the world has gotten a better life, others have had a harder time but always held it together.

So if she ever saw this post (which is highly unlikely, since she is busy and can rarely come on dA now), I would say "Thank you for changing my... our life, for the better. I do not know what or where I would have been right now if I didn't have the show to watch".

Keep up the awesome work you do, and so to your husband. You 2 creates some of the most badass but also best cartoon television EVER!

So once again... Thank you Lauren, from the bottom of my heart and up! :heart:


Vector owner: :iconfyre-flye:

Queen Lauren Faust vector created by: :iconartist-apprentice587:
The journey ( Lauren Faust )

______________________OTHER RESOLUTIONS______________________
Queen Lauren Faust Wallpaper 1920x1080px

Queen Lauren Faust Wallpaper 2560x1440px


So I just found out that another of my wallpapers made it to EQD's Wallpaper Compilation #129 as number 20. Thank you so much for all the support guys!
Image size
3840x2160px 2.77 MB
© 2014 - 2025 IIThunderboltII
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Pinkasso-Studio's avatar
Good combination of the beautiful game of "Journey" and the original creator of MLP (My Little Pony) Lauren Faust.  Beautiful job here!