2 min read

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iingo's avatar

Hey guys. For those who still want to be apart of Estheira-Way, I've been talking to one of the mods and we are thinking of taking this group to a discord server and also making it into an actual website. We're not 100% on this yet, but yea.

Ever since dA made some drastic changes ...for the worse let's be honest, I'm afraid that groups will end up having the same problem. When dA announced no more HTML/CSS Coding, I lost motivating to even continue decorating the group because it demotivated everything we had planned and a lot of people have left this site to places like discord, twitter, etc. And even now, the new dA....I just cannot handle. I'm trying trust me...but idk how groups will be in the future and I can't upgrade this place to a super anymore due to dA getting rid of that option.

Unfortunately, Discord doesn't have customization or the functionality like dA has, but we are going to be discussing this. I really want to continue this group because before the Eclipse announcement, we had A LOT worked on. And the announcement of Eclipse just ruined it for MANY.

But we're not giving up on this group so we will keep you tuned if we decided to use a discord server or something else. Thank you <3

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