IFrAgMenTIx on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ifragmentix/art/Shingeki-no-Kyojin-Attack-on-Titan-373928082IFrAgMenTIx

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Shingeki no Kyojin - Attack on Titan



Finally it's done!
one of the best animes i have seen so far just aired this season (spring 2013). It's name is Shingeki no Kyojin and omg....i mean the storyline/telling is so different to what i normally see and humans are so mortal. One single misstake and the soldiers are titan-food.
as i am following just the anime i am pushing myself really hard not to read the manga and don't get myself spoiled everywhere..
SPOILERS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!! it almost makes me sick xD

but this drawing was so much work...even the sketch took me 3 hours(?) and afterwards when i did it in SAI it was really hard to get all the 3-dimensional gear right, BUT i think it worked out and i am happy with the result^^

I hope you guys like it too!!
if you don't know the anime---WATCH IT! :O

Shinegki no Kyojin by Hajime Isayama
Fanart by me

please do not use it anywhere without giving me credits (it would be nice if you tell me when you wanna use it and where)

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Jak12391's avatar
Don't worry I have watched 12 episodes of it so good and epic and sad and the titans I fuckn hate them so much they all have to die fuck them but the humans are so badass and the Titans are asshole but they are badass too