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Since it’s Easter I thought it’d be fun to draw a few of my favorite Bible characters! From left to right:
Moses, a guy with a speech impediment who left a life of luxury to obey God and free his people from slavery. He is one of the only people in the Bible to have “seen” God.
Rahab, a prostitute who hid Hebrew spies in Jericho out of faith in God. She is an ancestor of Jesus.
David, a song-writing shepherd whose love for God made him one of the most successful kings in Israel’s history.
Ruth, an immigrant who sacrificed everything out of love for her mother-in-law. She is an ancestor of Jesus.
Jesus, the Son of God who gave up His godly rights to come to Earth, serve those who others rejected, teach love, and ultimately die because of man’s greed and jealousy. He rose from the dead after three days in the grave, so those who die to their own sinful lives may live new, fulfilled lives.
Queen Esther, a Hebrew immigrant in the land of their oppressors, becomes queen and risks her life to save her people from genocide.
Wow. Absolutely stunning