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Map of an Alternate Israel




So this map is basically the State of Israel from an Alternate Timeline; the main PoD is that the British don't limit Jewish immigration into Palestine, and instead push them with greater zeal than before. Throughout the 1930s, it becomes a prime destination for German and Austrian Jews fleeing Nazi persecution. Later, others (like Anne Frank and her family; ITTL the family fled to France and later Britain before moving to Israel after the war) fled the advancing Nazi armies to Palestine, so that by the time the war ends (in 1945; as IOTL) Mandatory Palestine is around 60-70% Jewish.

This comes as an advantage during the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, the Israeli's larger (at least than IOTL) army, as well as general incompetence on the part of the Jordanians and Syrians*, led Israel to seize all of Mandatory Palestine, as well as a large part of Transjordan and the Golan Heights. As a result of the Jordanian defeat, the rest of Jordan merged with Hedjaz (ITTL Hedjaz never merged with Nejd (because of British influence) to form Saudi Arabia) to form the Union of Arabia. Today, Israel is a majority-Jewish state, with significant Arab minorities in the districts of Transjordan and Samaria.

*Also Lebanon did not join the Arabs ITTL. The French decided to make Lebanon a homeland for the Maronites, and after a war with Syria (during which it allied with Israel), Lebanon is now almost 80% Christian, with Shia, Alawi, and Druze minorities, with the Sunnis driven out of the country. Lebanon ITTL is also the only country in the Middle East (besides Egypt; the Camp David Accords occurred as IOTL, but differently) that is friendly to Israel.


NOTE: Some of the TTL names of cities (especially in the OTL West Bank, Gaza, and Jordan) are basically Hebrew calques of Arab names, or versions of existing Hebrew names. Tulkarm's (Torkarm) is basically a simplifying of its Aramaic name.

29 April, 2014 - Added the other districts names for clarity.
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