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idaltu's avatar

I Support Insane Otherkin



Edit. jfc. It's been five years, folks. 

This stamp was made in 2011 as a response to a particular conversation during that time, when the use of the word 'insane' was entirely relevant. Most people who initially saw this were part of that conversation. 

'Insane' here was used to straight up mean 'mental illness'. It was not meant to mean 'very strange'. 

The word 'insane' was thrown around a lot, and people who believed they were otherkin (whether you feel that it is a real experience or not does not matter here, because the people involved did) who happened to also be mentally ill were frequently told that if you were mentally ill then your identity as 'nonhuman' was based solely in your mental illness. Basically they were saying, "You can't be otherkin if you're mentally ill. Your experience of identity is bullshit. Get out."

In the otherkin community 'insane' has been used for a variety of reasons. The most common use if obviously by non-otherkin to put otherkin down, to degrade and insult and hurt and dismiss. 

But like in the offline world, 'insane' is used to hurt mentally ill people too.

This stamp was to reclaim the word 'insane' in some ways; a sort of "Fuck off, my mental illness, my sanity, is none of your damn business." It was made to be a bit of pride, a standing together of people in one part of the otherkin community who were often dismissed and given the boot with a long lecture on the end telling them who and what they were. A lecture by strangers, who knew very little about their lives, what they lived with, what they experienced, and who they were. It was alienating and unfair to be told to get out just because you happened to have a chronic illness. 

If that reason to make a stamp is offensive, that's too damn fucking bad I guess, but I suspect people who think it is are, 

1. Misunderstanding.
2. Were not present in 2011 to be involved in the conversation and community that this came out of. 

Nearly everyone commenting on this now was not there. The few positive comments, the oldest comments, were from people who were there, people who were otherkin and mentally ill and fed up with being told to get out and shut up, that sanity was the prerequisite for spirituality and complex identity: and that is who this was made for. 

Assumptions hurt everybody. 
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105x60px 4.67 KB
© 2011 - 2024 idaltu
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Kittythefembot's avatar

oh as a psychotic person whos otherkin i love this stamp