
Tales of Tabira: Water Lilies, A Baker's Charity

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Bakerscharity By Essentiallysimple-d9zpoum by Icyangel12

Yvette wasn't much of a cook, having twenty-seven siblings plus her two parents meant that experimenting with the food they'd grown and harvested could mean half of them not eating for a day or two if you weren't careful. Now that she and Orchid had a little house of their own she could experiment a little bit. Their home was technically a burrow, a decent sized house had been carved out of a hill making a hut on the inside, if one were to walk by it would look as if some had stuck windows, a door and the top of a chimney onto a hill. Orchid was happily munching on some cookies that hadn't quite turned out the way that Yvette had hoped.

The buneary smiled as she carefully pulled her final batch out of the fire, her paws coated in a thick layer of ice that acted as a pair of chilly oven mitts. "Why are you making all of these cookies?" Orchid asked as the sweets were placed into the third full box that sat on their flour, chocolate, and milk covered counter.

Yvette rubbed at her face, trying to remove the bits of flower in her fur, as she let out a proud gust of air. "I told you, we're helping the artisans with their play by baking something for the actors and workers at the play."

"They'll love these! They're really good!" The gooey dragon exclaimed squishing into her seat with wide grin gracing her face.

"Good to hear." Yvette said with a snicker as she closed the final box with a satisfied smile. "We should get these to the theater before everyone leaves for lunch." Yvette took two of the boxes into her arms and one was sat atop Orchid's head practically glued there due to the sticky slime that the goomy was covered in.

The girls made their way to the artisan's theater where 'mons of all shapes and sizes were working on the performance. Some sat on the steps leading up to the lighting with pencils discussing the story and writing while others painted the sets and some were even creating lovely melodies that danced through the air making the entire place come to life. "Oh wow! What's this! This is so cool! What do you call these!" Orchid darted back and forth amazed by all the semi-new sights that were presented before her. Yvette was lucky enough to pluck the box of cookies from her friend's head with some effort.

She opened the three boxes on a small snack table, inside were rows of different cookies of different hues and flavors, slightly blue cookies made with bluk and oran berries, soft sugar cookies, gingersnaps, sweet pink cookies made with peacha berry juice that had little chunks of the berry sticking out. She puffed out her chest proudly only to near jump out of her skin as someone cheerfully commented: "These look lovely! May I have one?"

Yvette turned to see a taller and elegant looking simisear who gave her a fond smile. "Y-yes ma'am! They're for people working on the play!" The fire-type took a cookie into her hand and bit off a small piece.

"These are taste wonderful, thank-you for making them for all of us! I'm Topaz, leader of the Artisan's Guild." Topaz gave a semi-dramatic bow.

"I'm Yvette O'Hara and my friend Orchid is around here somewhere, she's a goomy." Topaz smiled in a mischievous manner taking a contemplative stance.

"I do believe I saw a goomy with an adorable little flower next to one of her horns. I believe she was volunteering herself and a friend to play the role of the princess and the dragon. I'm not quite sure who was to play which role though..."

Yvette paled slightly as her blood chilled slightly. "E-excuse me for a moment." She back up to the table which the buneary quickly stabled before hopping off to find Orchid before she sighed them up to be back up dancers.


After the majority of the creative minds had left for the day to enjoy a supper with their family, Yvette and Orchid went back to the snack table to see how their cookies faired. Yvette had thankfully stopped Orchid from sighing them up for more on-stage roles and had kept her entertained with painting and crafting the sets. Orchid had enjoyed splashing color into the plain wood as well as some slime here and there.

The snack table held the remnants of other snacks that volunteers had brought along with the boxes that they had used to carry the cookies in. At least half of each kind of cookie had been taken, some more than others, the peacha berry cookies were probably the favorite as there was only a single one left inside the box. "Looks like everyone liked them but it looks like we'll be eating all the extras by ourselves." Yvette said cheerfully as she fit the extras into two of the boxes.

"Oh boy! I love cookies!" Yvette sat one of the boxes atop the goomy's head and took up the other one into her own arms. Orchid squished up and down a bit enjoying the sound of the cookies moving around inside, she began to hum as they walked down the bright streets of Tabira.

Yvette had to admit that the city was so much different than the little burrow that she'd grown up in, so many 'mons from different walks of life all in once place. The great tree's mighty branches swished above them in the light breeze creating an odd sort of music that Yvette began to hum along to. "Pretty day isn't it Orrie? Orchid?" She turned to find her dragon-typed friend missing.

She fought the urge to panic which quickly faded as she found the goo trail that followed Orchid where ever she went. Yvette let out a sigh as she followed the trail to the base of the great tree where she found a group of children of varying ages and species crowded in a small group. "Oh hey! Look I made new friends!" The children parted to reveal Orchid with an empty box.

"I can see that, what happened to the cookies?" Yvette asked, she didn't get an answer from Orchid however as a tiny dedenne pulled on the puffy fur around her legs. "Hm?" She asked curiously, the small innocent mouse reminded her of some of her own siblings.

"Your friend is a nice lady! She gave us snackies!"

"Snackies-? Oh you mean the cookies."

"They looked sad and I don't like it when I'm sad so I gave them something that makes me happy!" Orchid explained smiling happily as one of the children touched her gooey body and shrieked to their friends about how odd it felt.

"They're really, really yummy! I wanna make cookies like these when I get big!" One said happily crumbs sticking to the fur around her mouth. Yvette glanced down at her own box, it wasn't like they could eat them all...

"Um... Hey!" The buneary called opening her own box. "Does anyone want another?" There were gasps of joy as she was surrounded by giggling and joyous children who all reached into the box taking cookies out and giving their thanks before running back to the great tree.

Orchid's mouth a near full body grin and she gave a happy squeak. "Look at them they're so happy! I'm happy they're feeling better! They looked so sad before."

Yvette tilted her head curiously. "I wonder why they all seem like good kids."

"They're from the orphanage, it's a shame that such good kids don't have families of their own." Yvette bounced and Orchid squished both surprised by the entrance of the new voice. The source of the voice gave a girlish giggle "I apologize I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Don't worry it was fun! It made my chest all tingly!" Orchid exclaimed joyously, allowing her body to shift back into its usual blob shape. Yvette, who's heart still beating furiously in her chest, turned to find that their guild was a young lucario who wore an odd leafy shawl-like accessory.

"I'm glad to hear it then, my name is Gemma, I'm the proxy for my, I mean, the Guild Leader Sela." The Lucario extended her paw politely.

Yvette took the paw into her own wondering if all official guild members were going to sneak up on them. "I'm Yvette O'Hara and this is-"

"My name is Orchid! Wow did you make those thingies yourself! They're so pretty!"

Gemma gave a quiet giggle. "Thank-you, I was actually coming over here to thank-you."

"Why we didn't do anything that important." Yvette said with a shrug.

"You really did though! Doing something charitable out of the good of your heart without asking for something in return is what the Keepers strive for in 'mon. I'll be sure to tell my friends back at the guild what you did. Oh look more helpful souls! If you'll excuse me." Gemma quickly scurried away happily to chat with more 'mon that had gathered around a small stand at the base of the great tree.

"Com'on Orrie, I'll fix us that soup you like for super tonight." Yvette gave the small goomy a pat on the head, half regretting but continued to smile despite the slime.

Completed: The Artisan's Preformace Task (Chapter One) and The Keepers Charity Task (Chapter One)
Earned: One Artisan's Reputation and Two Keepers Reputation (Three Favor Total)

The lovely art piece drawn by the as equally fabulous :iconessentiallysimple:

© 2016 - 2025 Icyangel12
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Zero-Zivan's avatar
Aww, this was sweet! It's pretty amusing imaging Orchid stretching and squashing around. The girls make a great companionship!