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  • June 3
  • Iceland
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
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Icon made by :iconanoukbd:

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Look. At. His. Face. He is none to happy with all the BULLSHIT CHAINMAIL THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE PUTTING HERE. Go away. Shoo. We dont need spammers here. Bye. See you on the flip side. Dont get run over by a train. Feed your pets. Go write a book. Climb a mountain. Do something usefull. Stop being gullible. Stop spamming for no reason. GO EAT A BOAT.
Step one: The hook.
It all began long ago... no, wrong, let's do the easy way, magic.
Now, you see, now that you've read these words, you are magically prevented from your reading.
You must not read on.
Hook complete.
Step two: Introduction of conflict.
Long ago there was a girl named Billy, she was murdered by a serial killer named Jennie. The serial killer did not like odd names, and he had OCD. He killed himself after he realized he had the name "Jennie".
Billy was an angry girl, so if you don't copy this to every page on DA, send it to every email in the world, and copy it onto every page of every forum in existance in the next ten seconds, then she will come for you, first she will change your legal name to that of the opposite gender, say, if you're a guy she'll change your name to Sarah, and if you're a girl, she'll change your name to Bob, etc. Two hundred thousand years later (If your natural lifespan encompasses that time), Jennie will come for you, and kill your pet goldfish named "Cottage"
If you do not have a pet goldfish named "Cottage" he will give you one first.

If you attempt to test the validity of the magic that prevents you from stopping reading, I lied, no magic took place, reverse psychology is tricky, hmm?
Step three: Resolution
The police caught Jennie and put him in jail, and they actually found Billy, and she was alive.
Happy ending, nice and great :D
That was awesome.
:iconbelarusrapetimeplz: I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door
:iconamericahardpowerplz: Your body's cold, but girl, we're getting so warm
:iconfrancerapefaceplz: And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside
:iconromanofailplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitabroshumpplz: (Let me go now)
:iconlukasiewiczplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconholyromeexcitedplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconukdanceplz: Now if she does it like this
:icongermanydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconfrancesmackplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconrussiaturbopokeplz: Will you touch her right back?
:iconrussiarasputinplz: Now if she moves like this
:icondanceicelandplz: Will you move like that?
:iconrainbowitalyplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconwthenglandplz: Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare
:icongerita4plz: We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there
:iconceilingrussiaplz: And I was thinking of places I could hide
:iconfallingukraineplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitalyhugsjapanplz: (Let me go now)
:iconchinanoplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconfrancemuahplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconenglandgetdownplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconamericagetdownplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconswitzerlandsplitplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconaustriasplitplz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancerussiaplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconjapanpastaplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowludwigplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconamericapopipoplz: I saw you dancing
:iconshakefishseyplz: And I couldn't get you off my mind
:iconitalywtfplz: I could tell, you could tell, that I was taking my time!
:iconiggybrowsplz: I was thinking of ways to get you to stay for the night
:iconukraineboobiesplz: Your body's shaking!
:iconohpervyfeliplz: Turn me on, so I can turn off the lights!
:icongilmoemoekyunplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconenglandsexydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconaiyaharuplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconfrancestick2plz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancingswedenplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconamericahappyspazzplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowkikuplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!