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Maresia HD - Android Theme



Maresia HD is now available on Play Store US$0,99 [link]

I will take all icon requests from everyone

Critique my work

This theme was inspired by the Laguna HD [link]
Image size
1024x500px 820.64 KB
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TaylorCohron's avatar
Since you ask for ciritque, I'll give some, though I no longer have a Premium account, so I'll do it manually.

I'll use stars as a unit, each score will be from 1-5 stars.

Creativity: 3 out of 5

Coverage: 5 out of 5

Ok, those are the only 2 categories I can think of. Anyway

Creativity: Considering you said this was inspired, that automatically would reduce the creativity, but not considering that, this still relies on some more cliché icon metaphors, and many seem to be icons from other themes, either just masked on poorly, or just shoehorned in. If you look at Laguna HD, you can tell minhtrimatrix put a lot of work into each icon, and put detail into it. While this is an okayish port, it's not really a theme in it's own right, and it pulls icons from other themes. If you sit down, and craft icons that are yours, with unique metaphors, I think you could turn this into the base of a great theme.

Coverage: It's supported by 2800 Android Devices. I'll give you credit where credit is due, that's perfect coverage.