Bear God of Bounty, Luck, and Huntingibbitmonster on DeviantArt

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ibbitmonster's avatar

Bear God of Bounty, Luck, and Hunting



This was a 30th (belated) birthday gift for my honey bear hubby :icongreaterfeinddaos: , who has brought light and creativity to my life in ways I didn't think I could anymore. I challenged myself to do a piece featuring elements I'm highly uncomfortable/unfamiliar with that I knew he would love to see me try to do -- so I did, and I picked his favorite colors to boot hehe. Needless to say, he loves the final picture (the gold flecks actually shimmer in real life as well)

You are my sun and stars, my golden bear. Thank you for being in my life, and I look forward to a future spent with you in it always <3
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800x1071px 1.15 MB
© 2019 - 2025 ibbitmonster
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SkyeBlueBandit's avatar
The linework is amazing!! The whole piece feels so free, great work!