IanStruckhoff on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ianstruckhoff/art/Nebula-Siren-Design-Card-213112213IanStruckhoff

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Nebula Siren - Design Card



The official design for the main Nebula Siren, by *ryancody-- one of many of a type of strange alien life-forms in our upcoming comic, FAILSAFE.

The sirens usually appear humanoid in shape. They are deep black, and appear to be part of a nebula of colorful clouds intermixed with black and multi-colored gasses. The only white in their design is their outline, their eyes and mouth, and a starfield pattern.

The main Nebula Siren in the story, and a number of others, appear as sultry feminine forms.
Image size
378x700px 82.07 KB
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