Character Design Tutoriali-Moosker on DeviantArt

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i-Moosker's avatar

Character Design Tutorial



This is just a little tutorial I created to pass the time while my internet was down. My internet was down because lightning hit the DSL/Cable/internet box outside of our home. Best part? I was 20 ft away from it and I saw it happen. The lightning was SUPER super loud and I basically fell off my chair and almost had a heart attack. Pretty cool, eh?

Ah, this really isn't the best of design tutorials, but it was more made for fun. I could have made it longer and added more color combination's and explain about split complementary and tertiary colors and hue, value, saturation and whatnot, but I just kept it down to the basics so that it wouldn't be too long.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, by the way!

Tutorial layout inspired by ~sashas.

Copyright 2011


You may not trace, alter, re-use, reference, manipulate, use, or distribute my images in any manner. DO NOT steal any of these designs or the character. Thank you.
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600x4650px 1.2 MB
© 2011 - 2025 i-Moosker
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SydneeGOL's avatar
It’s so big my Pad can’t handle it