My Impeccable Reveriei-am-JENius on DeviantArt

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i-am-JENius's avatar

My Impeccable Reverie



"Coming from inside my heart, this will fill the very deep flaw in everyone. To love for nothing. To expect nothing in return. And to be happy just to love."--a quote from my love :heart:

This is my entry for "There IS a Paradise" contest of :iconemerald-depths:

I was inspired by Art Director Michael Pangrazio of Lovely Bones

"Paradise is Heaven, yes it truly is. There is perfect peace and happiness and love for everyone. The walls are made of Jasper, the city is pure gold as clear as glass. The gates are made of pearls. The city has no need of sun or moon because the glory of light shines. No, I haven't been to Paradise..."


mountain1: [link]
mountain2 and field: [link]
lake: [link]
sky: [link]
tree: [link]
bird brush: [link]
hill: [link]

Thank you so much!
Image size
1600x1500px 1.46 MB
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KrystleParkerPhotog's avatar
I loveeeee this image so much!