Hello everyone, I want to put on this journal which will be the first one I've made in a year.This journal will be divided into several parts: These parts are.1- what happened in the world during the time gap between my last journal (The movies, The Princess Bride and Akira) and this one.2- the evolution of my favorites in DeviantArt and my gallery.3- new encounters.4- Announcements about a particular universe/multiverse.The First part is, what happened on our planet during that time gap.A lot of things happened during this long gap, like good things like Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and so on, and unfortunately some bad things li...
How are you doing? I am doing fine.
I have not that active here because I been on vacation visiting a friend and a lot of time was preparing for that and of course afterward.
Basically, I been a Bizzy bee whits is good. I am pretty must recover from my burnout.
Of course its still is there watching in the shadows, there are still things I have to learn but I am getting better in balance things and making decisions that make me feel good.
I working less on my normal job just now for example now, so I could focus on the things that I am passioned about.
Whits is creating and making art. So sorry for not posting must here. But now things...
Hey everyone, how are you guys doing? I have vacation now so I thoug its time fore a new journal. I am wanted to give you guys a bit of a update. (please don't mind the grammer)I started to get in my creative groove again. Specialy whit some new life in to beyblade, whits really helped.My friend set up a discord (I am a mod there) so if you like the old fasion serie and want to chat and see creative stuf just look at this journal my friend make to see how it works:
My burnout situation I can say it stable but not yet recovered,
There are just some things that have to change so it won't come back as I experince.
Like I going to look in t...