Hyrotrioskjan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hyrotrioskjan/art/Velapseudolus-730630212Hyrotrioskjan

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Hyrotrioskjan's avatar




These bizarre critters are, with 60 to 70 cm in length, rather large confusopterids. They are sluggish ambush predators that have lost their flippers and instead move thanks to lateral undulation through the darkness. It is speculated that the electric organs at one point of their evolution had to move away from the maw because many of its prey items were able to sense their presence too, by minimizing the field and elongating the body the animals were able to be sensed less of a threat. 
There are a couple of species similar to Velapseudolus, they probably form a monophyletic group and are easily recognized by their veil like gill covering, that conceals most of their body, this feature maybe evolved as a defense against larger predators, when a large Diablocongri rips away a piece of the veil the smaller relative can escape. 
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bowserforssbu's avatar

Honest question; how many of these speculative worlds, life forms, etc have you come up with in total? Not to sound weird but whenever I'm scrolling through your gallery or others related to Spec. Evo, I always end up completely lost in all the animals after trying to read up on an individual world/project lol.