CycnorhamphusHyrotrioskjan on DeviantArt

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Cycnorhamphus is one of the strangest pterosaurs I know, the form of the jaws, the unusual dentition and the soft tissue parts which are preserved are unique in ctenochasmids. Yes, ctenochasmids. It's not obvious but the next relatives of this animal are pterosaurs like Pterodactylus and Gnathosaurus.
I speculate about the diet of this animals for a long time. Laid at my bed, stared at the wall and thnik about this bizarre structures. At the end I found three solutions which would be fitting.
1. small animals which live in the mud and water of tidal pools
2. crabs and clams like depicted in the small picture.
3. the seeds of cycads, the jaws are very suited to grab such food and how I learned lately was the jurassic a hotspot of tree fern radiation.
(bats are also known to eat sometimes the seeds of this plants, they seem to have no problem with the poison of the plants)
Here I depict two specimens which glide through a deep gorge somewhere in southern germany.
(media here: pencil, watercolor, Gouache. All on paper)

edit: I designed a logo for the project, hope you like it. It's the shape of an Pterodactylus, more of this animal soon.
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