CricosaurusHyrotrioskjan on DeviantArt

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In an bavarian lagoon, 150 mio years ago, a Cricosaurus suevicus female and it's Babys rest for a moment. It's not known if metriorhynchids were ovipar or already ovivivipar, so I don't show here the act of birth as I formally planed it (sorry for all All Yesterdays fans). I choose this marine crocodile as my first Jurassic Germany subject because these animals are underrated in paleoart and because they show some fascinating adaptation for their habitat. A hypocerk tail, flipper like limbs, sald Glands and no armor.

This is obviously not the original coloration but because the real color lost so much during scanning I colored it, more monochrome, again. The adult is normally dirty yellow with gray blue stripes on it's back.
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amoreira123's avatar
amazing work! this looks so good!